REIZEN MET UW HUISDIER kan prachtig zijn – een echte “trip”! Wat is een betere manier om echt contact te maken met je harige metgezel dan samen op vakantie te gaan, en je hoeft niet eens een extra badpak voor je huisdier in te pakken. Natuurlijk reizen we soms met een huisdier omdat het moet, zoals tijdens een verhuizing naar het buitenland. Wat de reden ook is, iedereen (inclusief uw huisdier) moet veilig en wel op de plaats komen waar ze naartoe gaan. Het belangrijkste is om ervoor te zorgen dat uw huisdier niet verdwaalt in een vreemde stad, dus hier zijn enkele belangrijke tips voor voor en tijdens uw reizen.
Het maakt niet uit hoe of waar u ook reist, de eerste vuistregel is altijd deze:tenzij uw hond of kat kan zeggen:"Hallo, mijn naam is FiFi en mijn telefoonnummer is...", ZORG ERVOOR DAT UW HUISDIER ZO VEEL IDENTIFICATIE HEEFT ALS MOGELIJK! Elke dag horen we van mensen van wie de vermiste huisdieren geen ID-tags of microchips hadden, en ze hadden nooit gedacht dat hun huisdieren zouden verdwalen. Als FiFi van u wordt gescheiden terwijl u onderweg bent, is de kans nog kleiner dat u hem/haar kunt vinden, dus een juiste identificatie is uw enige kans om herenigd te worden. Enkele zeer belangrijke suggesties:
- Zorg ervoor dat u ID-tags op de halsband van uw huisdier heeft en vermeld indien mogelijk uw mobiele telefoonnummer erop. Zo ben je altijd bereikbaar als je huisdier verdwaalt.
- Microchip uw huisdier en dien de registratiegegevens van de microchip in, zodat als uw huisdier wordt gescand, uw contactgegevens in de database staan (en zorg ervoor dat u uw gegevens bijwerkt bij het microchipbedrijf als u verhuist)! Dat klinkt misschien als een voor de hand liggende tip, maar het zou je verbazen hoeveel mensen een microchip in hun huisdier hebben laten plaatsen en vervolgens vergeten hun microchip te registreren, om er later spijt van te krijgen. Don’t put it off another day�do it now! Collars can slip off, and tags can and do break off collars, especially if your pet escapes through a narrow opening. Microchips offer a more permanent solution for identification.
- Don’t forget to label your pet’s carrier prominently with your name, address, and
phone number.
If you’re planning an airplane trip with your pet, keep in mind that some airlines don’t allow animals at all, and some only allow pets to travel during certain months, especially if your pet must travel in the cargo container of the plane. These rules are in place for your pet’s safety�in the hottest or coldest months of the year, the cargo hold can be a deadly place for animals. If you have a very small dog or a cat, some airlines will allow you to bring him or her on board with you to be stowed under your seat in a special soft-sided carrier; most airlines only allow a few pets on board at a time, though, so reserve well in advance!
Although air travel for pets is regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the International Air Transport Association, each airline also has its own rules and regulations to follow. Most will not allow pets under eight weeks of age or aggressive or ill pets to fly. Check with your airline well in advance of travel to learn their pet-travel policies.
Airline travel for pets is never 100% safe, especially for pets that are checked as baggage. Many animal welfare organizations, including the ASPCA and Humane Society of the United States recommend against flying your pet on a commercial airline flight unless he or she is small enough to accompany you on board. If you must fly and place your pet in the cargo hold, please consider the following tips to make your pet’s trip is as safe as possible:
- Consider your flight schedule and any time your pet might be outside being moved in and out of the plane. If you are flying during the winter or summer, schedule flights during the mildest time of the day. In summer, early morning flights are best. In winter, fly during the warmest part of the day and avoid evening and overnight flights. Choose the shortest flight possible.
- Book a direct flight with no layovers or transfers to reduce the chance of your pet being lost or being exposed to harsh conditions on the tarmac.
- When you board the plane, let the cabin crew know that you have a pet traveling in cargo. Ask them to radio down to the loading crew to check that your pet has made it onto the plane! Another reason to notify the cabin crew is that the pilot may be able to control the temperature in the cargo hold to make your pet more comfortable, so don’t be afraid to speak up.
- Your pet’s crate should meet airline requirements and be clearly labeled with the words “LIVE ANIMAL”, with an arrow pointing up. Don’t lock the cage in a way that would prevent a crew member from opening it in case of emergency. Do use a plastic luggage tie to securely fasten the crate door closed so the crate can’t open accidentally during transport (yikes!).
- Don’t feed your pet within three hours of the flight. Make sure to freeze water in the crate’s water dish beforehand and place it in the crate right before you depart. That way, the water will not slosh out of the dish, but will slowly melt over the duration of the flight, giving your pet a constant supply of fresh water.
- Never sedate your pet before a flight without consulting your veterinarian first. While flying is stressful (for humans too), some pets will be fine and sleep through the flight naturally.
- Schedule a checkup with your veterinarian to make sure all shots are up-to-date. Have your veterinarian issue a health certificate dated within ten days of departure, and bring it to the airport in your carry-on along with certificates of vaccination.
- Be sure to remove your pet’s leash so it can’t become tangled in the crate and choke your pet. Also, trim your pet’s nails to keep them from getting caught in the crate.
- Enclose something soft with your scent on it (like a t-shirt you’ve worn for a few hours) in the crate. This can be very reassuring to your pet during during the hours of loud noises and bumping.
- Always travel with a photo of your pet in case he or she becomes lost or you need to identify him or her as yours.
- Try not to leave pets alone in your hotel room, even if the hotel allows it. No, they won’t make a long-distance call that will show up on your bill! But if your pet gets nervous and agitated and starts to bark or cry, a well-meaning hotel staffer may enter the room to offer comfort. An open door could give your pet the opportunity to escape. If you do need to leave your pet unattended, most cities have doggy daycare services to watch over pets�ask the hotel to help you locate one.
- Never, NEVER leave any pet unattended in a car, even for a short time. If you think it’s safe because your car is in the shade, think again:shade is only temporary! It moves with the sun’s position in the sky or when clouds disperse. It’s also possible that someone might break into your car to steal something- even your pet. NO amount of unsupervised time in the car is ever safe.
- Get the location of emergency vet clinics in your destination city before you leave for your trip and bring the information with you in an easily-accessible place, like your carry-on.
- Travel with a copy of your pet’s vaccination records, just in case you need to place him or her in daycare or he/she requires medical help.
- During car trips, make sure your pet is properly restrained in a carrier or with a harness.

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